[vlc] Timestamp an RTSP recording
Saad Mahbub
2014-05-08 07:25:56 UTC
Hello, I am using VLC media player 2.0.8 Twoflower on an Ubuntu 12.04
I have successfully recorded an RTSP stream by using the following command:
vlc rtsp:// --sout=file/ps:record1.mp4

Now I need to timestamp the video that is recording, meaning the video
must display the time when it is being recorded.

I managed to play a video with the current timestamp using:
vlc --sub-filter "marq{marquee=\$t
(\$P%%),color=16776960}:marq{marquee=%H:%M:%S,position=6}" video1.mp4
I added --sout=file/ps:record1.mp4 option to the above command but with no
luck, the video records but doesn't display the time during playback.

Saad Bin Mahbub
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