[vlc] Language used for program menus, etc.
Virgil Stokes
2013-12-02 18:40:54 UTC
I am using VLC 2.1.1 in Sweden with a Swedish keyboard; *but, I use English for
my software*. Now (with your latest release) everything comes up in Swedish and
I have not found anyway of changing to English. Please allow the installer to
choose their language of choice!

--V. Stokes
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Vladislav Korol
2013-12-02 19:14:08 UTC
I hope the best way is DELETE this VLC and Download&Install new native VLC from videolan.org with English.
I am using VLC 2.1.1 in Sweden with a Swedish keyboard; but, I use English for my software. Now (with your latest release) everything comes up in Swedish and I have not found anyway of changing to English. Please allow the installer to choose their language of choice!
--V. Stokes
vlc mailing list
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Felix Paul Kühne
2013-12-02 19:30:10 UTC
Hey Virgil,
I am using VLC 2.1.1 in Sweden with a Swedish keyboard; but, I use English for my software. Now (with your latest release) everything comes up in Swedish and I have not found anyway of changing to English. Please allow the installer to choose their language of choice!
Go to the Interface preferences of VLC and switch the language to English. It will be used on the next launch.

Best regards,

Felix Paul K?hne
Developer of VLC's ports to OS X and iOS
Blog: http://feepk.net
Twitter: @feepk
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